COVID Fatigue and Your Mental Health
What is COVID Fatigue?
COVID fatigue is what a lot of people are feeling right now: depression, loneliness, lack of motivation, and exhaustion due to the ongoing pandemic. Now that the world has been in some semblance of a lockdown for over a full year, most of us have experienced it even if we didn’t know what to call it. COVID-19 continues to make a lasting impact on everyday life for everyone, including those who don’t get the disease. If you’re feeling worn out, tired, overwhelmed and frustrated that life isn’t back to normal, you aren’t alone.
Overcoming COVID Fatigue
There are things we can – and should – do to overcome COVID fatigue and prioritize our mental health.
Get enough sleep
Establishing a dependable bedtime routine isn’t just for toddlers. Sleep impacts our health on every level. You can start making small changes that will greatly improve your sleep patterns. To start, wake up around the same time each morning and go to bed around the same time each night.
Exercising and moving your body every day can reduce stress, fatigue, and tension. Exercise can also improve your mood and help strengthen your immune system.
Eat a healthy diet
It’s easy to reach for extra salty, extra sugary, processed foods when you are overwhelmed, tired, and stressed. However, do your best to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Fueling your body with healthy food will not only help you feel better physically but will also help improve your overall mood.
Practice mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness is a great way to help manage stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is a type of meditation focused on slowing down and creating awareness in the present moment. This can relax your body and mind, no matter what stressors you currently face. Intermountain currently offers free and convenient online meditation and mindfulness classes.
Get outside
Spending time outside every day can greatly reduce your stress levels. Not only will you get a solid dose of vitamin D by soaking up some sun (no matter the season!), but spending time outside has also been shown to strengthen your immune system and improve your overall mood.